Mr. Michail Kaltsidis

Research Assistant

  • Degree in Mathematics A.U.TH. (2022)

In my undergraduate studies I was involved in all branches of Mathematics, Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics and Computer Science, but I focused much more on Statistics and Computer Science. In Statistics I was faced with my first Special Topic which was on Order Statistics and Spacings. After having a good understanding of the topic, I also went into an in-depth study of Multidimensional Distributions. Finally, I also dealt with two applications of the literature on Multidimensional Density and Probability Distributions. Then in the Computer Science part I attended programming courses, such as algorithms and data structures and I dealt in my second Special Topic with a topic of Numerical Analysis, the solution of equations of nonlinear systems with 2 and more variables. My applications were done in Matlab. I went deeper into systems with more than two variables and proceeded to apply examples from the literature and my own in consultation with the supervising professor. In my Postgraduate Studies, in the Department of Computer Science and specifically in the Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence, I was involved in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other problems. In the Machine Learning part, I took two courses, the second being an extension of the first with some Advanced Topics in Machine Learning. In the first part of Machine Learning I was mainly concerned with the algorithms that are used with the Advanced Topics in Machine Learning course delving deeper into specialized strategies for dealing with problems with multiple labels, multiple classes, unbalanced data and others. There was also a lot of deepening in the SVM architecture part as well as in methods for reducing the dimension of data and clustering it, in the case of unsupervised learning. Finally, in the Deep Learning part, a work was done in which Neural Networks were used, namely Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks. Among other things, courses related to Neuroinformatics, the use of robots and how they work and the creation of ontologies with the help of some applications such as TopBraid, Protege and others were attended. Amidst all this the presentation of work part was everywhere.

Mr. Michail Kaltsidis

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas

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