Vasileios Mezaris
Electrical and Computer Engineer, Ph.D.
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2001 - 2005 Ph.D., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thesis subject: "Image and video segmentation for content-based retrieval". Advisor: Prof. Michael G. Strintzis.
1996 - 2001 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Electronics and Computers Division. Graduation grade: 8.6/10 "Excellent". Graduation rank: 2nd. Diploma thesis subject: "Still image segmentation using color and texture features".
Research - Professional experience
5/2018 - present Research Director (Senior Researcher Grade A), Information Technologies Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ITI/CERTH).
10/2013 - 4/2018 Senior Researcher (Researcher Grade B), Information Technologies Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ITI/CERTH).
6/2010 - 9/2013 Senior Researcher (Researcher Grade C), Information Technologies Institute (formerly named Informatics and Telematics Institute) / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ITI/CERTH).
6/2007 - 5/2010 Senior Researcher (Researcher Grade D), Informatics and Telematics Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ITI/CERTH).
8/2006 - 5/2007 & 6/2005 - 7/2005 Postdoctoral Researcher, Informatics and Telematics Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ITI/CERTH).
9/2001 - 5/2005 Postgraduate Researcher, Informatics and Telematics Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ITI/CERTH).
7/2000 - 9/2000 Undergraduate research assistant on automatic speech recognition, Philips Research Laboratories, Aachen, Germany.
Research - Management appointments
10/2023 - present Member, General Assembly of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI).
6/2020 - present Lab Head, Intelligent Digital Transformation (IDT) Laboratory of ITI/CERTH.
1/2019 - present Chairman, Scientific Council of the Information Technologies Institute (ITI).
9/2016 - 1/2019 Member, Scientific Council of the Information Technologies Institute (ITI).
Educational activities & invited talks
6/2024 Talk on "Detecting visual-media-borne disinformation: a summary of latest advances at the IDT Lab of CERTH-ITI" at the Thessaloniki-TechLab, Thessaloniki, June 2024. slides
6/2023 Talk on "The QuaLiSID system and related video analysis technologies for supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities" at the Kleefstra Syndrome Scientific Conference 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2023.
11/2022 Talk on "Explaining the decisions of image/video classifiers" at the 1st Nice Workshop on Interpretability, Nice, France, Nov. 2022. slides
12/2020 Invited panel participation and presentation on "Misinformation on the internet: Video and AI" at the Age of misinformation: an interdisciplinary outlook on fake news workshop, Dec. 2020. slides.
7/2020 Tutorial on "Video Summarization and Re-use Technologies and Tools" at IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2020), July 2020. Slides: Part I: "Automatic video summarization".
6/2020 Invited talk "Video, AI and News: video analysis and verification technologies for supporting journalism", at the JOLT ETN virtual training event, June 2020. slides
11/2019 Invited talk "Video & AI: capabilities and limitations of AI in detecting video manipulations", Int. Conf. on Disinformation in Cyberspace: Media literacy meets Artificial Intelligence, Athens, Greece, Nov. 2019. slides
7/2019 Invited talk "In Video Veritas: verifying video content spread online", MediFor PI Meeting, Menlo Park, CA, USA, July 2019.
3/2019 Invited talk "InVID & company: Video verification, understanding & re-use technologies", at the Ateliers de Programme annual event of the SRG SSR - the Swiss public broadcasting association, Lugano, Switzerland, March 2019.
11/2018 Invited talk "In Video Veritas: In video, there is truth! Is it?", at the Festival Naprej/Forward, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Nov. 2018.
7/2018 Lecture on "Open Education Design Tools Example" at the Open Education Design - Course for practitioners, Vipava, Slovenia, July 2018. lecture video
9/2015 Lecture on "Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval" at the 10th European Summer School in Information Retrieval (ESSIR), Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept. 2015. [slides] lecture video
11/2014 Tutorial on "Video Hyperlinking" at ACM Multimedia (MM'14), Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 2014. Slides: Part A; Part B; Part C.
10/2014 Tutorial on "Video Hyperlinking" at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'14), Paris, France, Oct. 2014. Slides: Part A; Part B; Part C.
4/2014 Tutorial on "Re-using Media On The Web" at the 23rd Int. World Wide Web Conference (WWW'14), Seoul, Korea.
1/2014 Organization of the 1st Winter School on Multimedia Processing and Applications (WMPA'14), Dublin, Ireland (General Chair), and WMPA'14 lecture on "Media fragmentation and annotation technologies".
5/2007 Lecture on "Spatiotemporal segmentation of compressed video sequences", Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
2002 - 2005 Teaching assistance in the 4th year course, "Time series analysis", Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
2003 Instructor, 1st Seminar of project "MULTI-MINE: Research and Technology Training Network in Multimedia Knowledge Discovery and Management", GSRT-HUMAN RESOURCES.
Editorial activities
Organization of International Conferences / Workshops / Special Sessions
  • 1st Int. Workshop on Video for Immersive Experiences (Video4IMX-2024) at ACM IMX 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2024. (General Chair)
  • 30th Int. Conf. on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2024), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jan.-Feb. 2024. (Community Direction Chair)
  • ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2023), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2023. (Technical Program Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 30th ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia (ACM MM 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 2022. (Tutorial Chair)
  • ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2022), Newark, NJ, USA, June 2022. (Demo Chair)
  • 2nd Int. Workshop on Data-driven Personalisation of Television (DataTV 2021) at the ACM Int. Conf. on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX 2021), June 2021. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 27th Int. Conf. on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2021), Prague, Czech Republic, June 2021. (Technical Program Chair) [Proceedings vol.1] [Proceedings vol.2]
  • 2nd Int. Workshop on AI for Smart TV Content Production, Access and Delivery (AI4TV 2020) at ACM Multimedia 2020, Seattle, US, Oct. 2020. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 1st Int. Workshop on AI for Smart TV Content Production, Access and Delivery (AI4TV 2019) at ACM Multimedia 2019, Nice, France, Oct. 2019. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 1st Int. Workshop on Data-driven Personalisation of Television (DataTV 2019) at the ACM Int. Conf. on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video (TVX 2019), Manchester, UK, June 2019. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 25th Int. Conf. on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2019), Thessaloniki, Greece, January 2019. (Technical Program Chair) [Proceedings vol.1] [Proceedings vol.2]
  • 13th IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP 2018), Zagori, Aristi Village, Greece, June 2018. (Technical Program Chair) [Proceedings]
  • Int. Workshop on Multimedia Verification (MuVer 2017) at ACM Multimedia 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA, October 2017. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • Int. Workshop on Educational and Knowledge Technologies (MultiEdTech 2017) at ACM Multimedia 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA, October 2017. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 2nd ACM Int. Workshop on Human-centered Event Understanding from Multimedia (HuEvent'15) at ACM Multimedia (MM'15), Brisbane, Australia, Oct. 2015. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • Human Memory-Inspired Multimedia Organization and Preservation Workshop (HMMP'15) at IEEE ICME 2015, Torino, Italy, June-July 2015. (General Chair)
  • ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR'15), Shanghai, China, June 2015. (Publicity Chair)
  • ACM Int. Workshop on Human-centered Event Understanding from Multimedia (HuEvent'14) at ACM Multimedia (MM'14), Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 2014. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 3rd ACM Int. Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED'14) at ACM Multimedia (MM'14), Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 2014. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 1st Int. Workshop on Social Events in Web Multimedia (SEWM'14) at ACM ICMR 2014, Glasgow, UK, April 2014. (General Chair)
  • 2nd ACM Int. Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED'13), held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2013, Oct. 2013, Barcelona, Spain. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • Special Session on "Image Processing and Pattern Recognition for Ecological Applications" at IEEE ICIP 2013, Sept. 2013, Melbourne, Australia. (Session Organizer)
  • 1st Int. Workshop on Media Fragment Creation and reMIXing (MMIX'13) at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2013), San Jose, CA, USA, July 2013. (General Chair)
  • 4th Int. Workshop on Future Television: Linking Television and Web across Screens, held in conjunction with EuroITV 2013, Como, Italy, June 2013. (General Chair)
  • First Worldwide Web Workshop on Linked Media (LiME), held in conjunction with the 22nd Int. World Wide Web Conference (WWW'13), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, May 2013. (General Chair)
  • Special Session on "Social Events in Web Multimedia" at ACM ICMR 2013, April 2013, Dallas, TX, USA. (Session Organizer)
  • ACM Int. Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED'12), held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2012, Oct.-Nov. 2012, Nara, Japan. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • 3rd Int. Workshop on Future Television: Making Television Integrated and Interactive (FutureTV 2012), held in conjunction with EuroITV 2012, Berlin, Germany, July 2012. (General Chair)
  • Special Session on "Social Events in Web Multimedia" at ACM ICMR 2012, June 2012, Hong Kong, China. (Session Organizer) [Proceedings]
  • Joint ACM Workshop on Modeling and Representing Events (J-MRE'11), held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2011, November 2011, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • Special Session on "Event-based Multimedia Indexing" (EBMI) at the 9th Int. Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI11), June 2011, Madrid, Spain. (Session Organizer) [Proceedings]
  • 2nd ACM International Workshop on Events in Multimedia (EiMM10), held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2010, October 2010, Firenze, Italy. (General Chair) [Proceedings]
  • ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR 2009), July 2009, Santorini, Greece. (Poster and Demo Chair)
  • 8th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS07), June 2007, Santorini, Greece. (Technical Program Chair)
  • 6th COST 276 Workshop on Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication, May 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Organizing Committee Member)
Organization of International Benchmarking Activities
Reviewer for International Journals
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I)
  • IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL)
  • IEEE Multimedia
  • IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
  • ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM)
  • ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
  • EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (JASP, formerly EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing)
  • EURASIP Signal Processing: Image Communication (SP:IC)
  • EURASIP Signal Processing (Elsevier)
  • Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Elsevier)
  • Pattern Recognition (Elsevier)
  • Data & Knowledge Engineering Journal (Elsevier)
  • Information Sciences (Elsevier)
  • Image and Vision Computing (Elsevier)
  • Neurocomputing (Elsevier)
  • Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)
  • IET Image Processing
  • SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)
  • Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST)
  • IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image and Signal Processing
  • International Journal of Computers and Applications
  • Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms
  • Journal of The Franklin Institute
  • The Computer Journal (Oxford University Press)
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence (Taylor & Francis)
  • Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP)
Participation in professional bodies - committees
  • Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
  • Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece.
  • Representative of the Greek National Standardization Body (ELOT) to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 (MPEG).
Foreign languages
English Excellent knowledge. Proficiency in English (University of Cambridge)
German Good knowledge. Mittelstuffe.
French Fair knowledge.
2024 1st place, Interactive Video Retrieval for Beginners (IVR4B) at CBMI 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland.
2024 Best Performer, MediaEval 2023 NewsImages Task.
2022 Best Paper Award, IEEE Int. Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Naples, Italy.
2022 Distinctive Mention & Best Performer, MediaEval 2022 NewsImages Task.
2021 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Outstanding Associate Editor Award.
2020 Best Paper Award, 26th Int. Conf. on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM2020), Daejeon, Korea.
2017 Best Poster Award, ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR'17), Bucharest, Romania.
2014 Best Paper Award, 20th Int. Conf. on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM'14), Dublin, Ireland.
2002, 2003 Awarded by the Technical Chamber of Greece for exceptional performance during the academic years 1999-2000 and 2000-2001.
1998, 2000 & 2001 Scholarship of the State Scholarship Foundation, awarded for exceptional performance during the academic years 1996-97, 1998-99 and 1999-2000.
Scientific interests
Multimedia understanding and artificial intelligence; in particular, image and video analysis and annotation, machine learning and deep learning for multimedia understanding and big data analytics, explainable AI and green AI, multimedia indexing and retrieval, and applications of multimedia understanding and artificial intelligence in specific domains (including TV broadcasting and news, education and culture, medical / ecological / business data analysis).
Publications summary
  • Patents: 3
  • Journal Papers: 50
  • Books - Proceedings: 10
  • Book Chapters: 22
  • Conference Papers: 219
  • Citations (Google Scholar profile): citations >6000; H-index=40

© 2015-2024 Vasileios Mezaris